Training is a great way to equip everyone in your group or organization with tools to manage conflict in a productive way. You will learn to deal with conflict in such a way that the underlying issues are uncovered and dealt with and not left to fester into a full blown crisis. Rather than conflict situations being escalated quickly to the leadership level, let’s train each person to use some concrete tools to get to the heart of the issue themselves, and do some problem solving together. People who solve problems together experience a much higher level of satisfaction in their work and relationships, leading to reduced stress and more energy to focus on what’s important.
Training Is…
- Building self awareness
- Identifying different conflict styles
- Understanding defensiveness
- Developing effective communication skills
- Practicing what you’re learning
- Focussing on what’s important
- Seeing conflict in a different way
- Taking away practical tools you can use right now
- Applying learning to real life situations
- Problem solving
- Confidential
Training Is Not…
- A slide show
- Group counselling
- A platform for airing grievances
Training requires
The details which are shared in training are confidential except when disclosure is required by law. For instance, the law states that everyone has a duty to report a reason to believe that a child is in need of protection as defined by the Child, Family and Community Service Act. For a full description of the scope of confidentiality, refer to Mediate BC’s Standards of Conduct.
My conflict training sessions are interactive. While I am introducing concepts and content on conflict management, I am also inviting questions and interaction from trainees. We will use both fictitious and real-life scenarios (as appropriate, at my discretion) to apply learning and skills. Role plays and exercises will be used for demonstration and practice. Those who are comfortable participating this way will benefit from the opportunity to embody what they are learning, and those who prefer not to be “front and centre” will benefit from observing demonstration. However, full participation is encouraged.
Physical Space
Training is typically carried out in a group space on site of those who are receiving training. We will discuss the suitability of your space, and whether an alternative needs to be chosen.
Sharing your honest thoughts and feelings needs to be safe from coercion and manipulation, without repercussions of backlash outside of the training environment. If there are concerns about this dynamic in your situation, be sure to discuss those with me before beginning any training process.
The Process
Make contact
Reach out to me through this website, your own email account, or by phone. We’ll chat for a few minutes to get a good sense of whether training is a good fit for your particular situation. There is no charge for this initial conversation.
Planning Session
In preparation for your training session, there will be an initial meeting to map out the scope and focus of your training in consideration of your particular situation. Once the focus, goals and time frame have been decided on, a contract for training services will be signed. This contract also addresses payment of fees.
Training sessions are most productive in a minimum block of three hours, up to a full six hour day of training with breaks. Multiple sessions can be discussed depending on your needs. Training sessions may include multi media, front of room instruction, exercises, individual work, role play, group work, trainee presentation, demonstration, and scenario analysis.
$125 per hour spent working directly with clients.
I Believe…
Sometimes we need help to see the problem clearly
Sometimes we need help to discover what is really important, and how to express that
Sometimes the thing we say is not the thing we mean, and the thing they hear is not the thing we said
Do you think training might help with your current situation?